Community spirit
A couple of days ago when I returned from my walk I was stopped by a farmer on Cames Road who asked me if I was looking for my cows. Apparently he had 4 cows walk onto his property the night before which were not his. I said "No, I am just out on a walk, but you can put a message on the local Facebook page, that is always helpful." He said he did not do things like Facebook so I did it on his behalf. But no one came forward. The very next day however, while I was leaving home, a car pulled up, two elderly people inside. "You have not happened to have found 4 cows now have you? We have lost them somehow." I was very happy that I could help them and I pointed in the direction of Cames Road and told them where their cows were. And they lived happily ever after (I assume). I felt part of the magical community.
A mention on Facebook of a loose goose on Mangawhai Road, just down the road from here. The goose has been wandering there for a couple of days and people are worried that it might get killed and cause an accident. So I find myself chasing a goose off the road with the help of a total stranger who I have agreed to meet there as we could work together in catching it. But it won't let itself be caught and all we can do is chase it onto somebody's property hoping it will stay safe.
A couple of weeks later the goose is still on the loose and the question is raised again on Facebook: "What to do with Goosey Loosey?" A woman comes forward and offers to keep it in her pond if it can be caught. A couple of people, who probably only know each other from this Facebook page, get together and get the job done. Goosey is now living happily in somebody's pond. Great community effort.
Not a day goes by without a mention on the Facebook page of a lost or found dog, dogs wandering the streets and being saved by concerned community members and usually picked up by the owners at some point. Community spirit.
There is an emu wandering the streets of Mangawhai! Escaped from a private property because a noise had startled him. The (volunteer mind you) fire brigade steps in and bravely tackle the bird and tie his feet together so it can be safely delivered at his home address. That is also the community.
There was a fire in Te Hana, some family lost everything. One mention of a friend on Facebook and stuff was pouring in. "I have a spare bed they can have". "We have a table and chairs". "What do they need, we'll get it for them". Amazing community spirit.
Message on Facebook one morning: "Can someone help? My husband went to Warkworth and forgot his phone, he really needs it. " And someone comes forward who is driving that way (1/2 hour from here) and offers to drop it off.
"We have heaps of ......(fill in the blank with anything), free pick up".
"Is there anyone driving to Kaiwaka who could pick up a couch for me?" Done.
"Is there anyone coming up from Auckland today? I have left my keys behind and would appreciate if they could bring them up to Mangawhai." (Auckland being 1 1/2 hours away from here). Done.
Lost your phone, wallet or iPad? It will come back to you through Facebook most of the time.
People are getting concerned about the beach development that is going on. The car park there is right on the beach and it is lovely to be able to go there and walk, surf, ride a horse or do whatever you do on a beach. Now the word is out that the developer plans to move the car park 450 meters inland, so he can build houses for the very rich and close off the beach access for the locals (he does not say that, but that is the plan). Someone raises the issue on Facebook and says "maybe we should get together and see what we can do about it". The community responds. Within weeks there is an official organization: Save Te Arai, there is a petition (now very close to 5000 signatures although there is only 2500 people in Mangawhai), there are volunteers researching and planning, there is a stall at the local market with information, stickers, t-shirts for fundraising, there are meetings, members and lots of donations. Everyone is passionate about the cause and willing to help or donate money. Together we will try and save the car park and later on try and stop other unwanted developments. A community pulling together to save the right to go to the beach. To be continued...
Magical Mangawhai indeed. Not just a pretty place.

Te Arai Point beach.

Mangawhai Heads Cliff tops.

Mangawhai Heads Cliff tops.

Not just a pretty place!